How to prepare for a headshot session

One Week Before The Session :


Choose what’s comfortable

Start thinking about the clothes you want to bring as soon as you book. Solid, muted colors are best, but some simple patterns work, too. Different textures can add interest. It’s always best to choose something you are comfortable and confident in.


Make sure the clothes look fresh

Make sure that your outfit is not covered in pills and looking a little threadbare.


Bring some outfits

At least three options are good, We may not use everything, but it’s great to have options to try.


You don’t need jewelry

Stud earrings are suitable, but it’s best to avoid distracting items like dangling earrings and necklaces.


If you need a haircut

Schedule one a week or so before the session. This gives the hair time to look natural again after the cut.

The Night Before The Session :


Get a good night’s sleep

It’s difficult to make a great impression when you are not well-rested, so get as much sleep as you can.

The Day Of The Session :



Don’t worry about being non photogenic, Every person is capable of looking great in their headshot so do not stress.


With makeup, the goal is healthy-looking skin

If you choose to wear makeup and do your own, start natural and light, especially around the eyes. You can always add more during the session using your makeup, but it’s best to start light and go for subtle definition.


Come with your best looking of you

That’s it…